Monday, November 16, 2009

Hmmm...maybe I SHOULD screw that into the wall...

So I was lounging comfortably; enjoying my Christmas decorations when I heard a CRASH from Evelyn's bedroom where she had been playing. The said crash was followed by Evelyn's cry of distress. I ran into her room to discover that she had unbalanced her dresser by opening all the drawers and it had tipped over. Did I pick up my child and inspect her for wounds? Did I comfort her and tell her that the dresser was not out to get her? Yes. But only after I grabbed the camera. What a great mom!

Look at that sad face! By the way, she wasn't hurt. She was bemoaning the fact that her kitty was stuck in the drawers. I rescued Kitty and she went off to play happy as can be!

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