Monday, September 27, 2010

Kitty Obituary

Star Kitty
June 2009-Sept 2010
Our little kitty princess has been taken from us;
Taken from us in the prime of life
At church (of all places!)
She only had semi-raggedy fur,
And there was no more stuffing in her tail
Because some little girl liked to have her
Swing and Twirl.
Star Kitty occupied an honored position
In the Adams' household;
That of best friend, companion, and comforter
Playmate, snuggler, and projectile.
The paint from the star on her paw was quite faded
from being rubbed on tired eyes and lips.
She is survived by her best friend Evelyn,
and her co-kitty Tabby.
"Both of us are sad!"
Remarks little Evelyn.
Michael has been shopping all day for a replacement Star Kitty. Of course all the stores just sold their last one. I knew we should have bought a backup long ago! But we are determined to replace her, because there is only so much of Evelyn moping around and discarding all her other toys in disgust that I can take.
Our last experience with Star Kitty, recorded right before church on that fateful day:
Star Kitty Opera
Starring Michael Adams as the Prince
Star Kitty as the Princess
Jane Evelyn Adams as the Dragon

This was a game Daddy and Evelyn were playing all morning before church. It was so cute I finally had to record it. Evelyn was camera shy though, screaming "MINE!" instead of singing back to Daddy like she did before. ("You cannot have my Star Kitty, She is mine! No!" "Yes!" "no!" "Yeeeesssss!" "Noooooooooo!: etc.) Michael even had to kiss the sleeping princess kitty to wake her up and find the right princess that fit the ring ("Does the ring fit on the puppy? no...Does it fit on the doornob? Nope, can't marry the doorknob. Does it fit on daddy's toe? No...". Then Evelyn would turn Daddy into a monster by spanking him and he'd sing "I'm going to eat the Star Kitty! And grind her bones!" Then Evelyn or Mommy would kiss Daddy and turn him into a prince again.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Nativity in September

I have been trying to teach Evelyn more about Jesus because she just loves to hear about him. So I watched the nativity movie released by the church with her, and I explained about how Jesus was born. I was pretty sure she wasn't catching on though. There I was: bawling my eyes out and all Evelyn can find to say is: "Where did the sheep go?" (there was a sheep in one part of the movie and that is what she hyper focused on.)
But after the movie, she decided she wanted to play Mary. And she got out a baby doll to be Jesus. She asked me to put a blanket on her head.
I love that sweet girl!

Eya the Flying Monkey

First parents are typically neurotic. First parents whose first child knocks out her front tooth at age two are comparably more neurotic, bordering on paranoid. But parents whose child refuses to be cautious and performs death-defying acts as a normal routine become calloused and start yawning when their children taunt death and dismemberment.

This has become me. (Michael is still in the paranoid category.) There is only so many gasps allotted to mothers and Evelyn has used my quota for her lifetime. I do feel at times somewhat guilty when I'm at the playground and Evelyn's leading a bunch of children four times her age in a game of "Hey, I can do that!" The parents of these 8 to 12 years old glare at me as I shrug my shoulders and allow my two-year-old to be a bad example. They may wonder why I don't stop my kid; don't I see that she's likely to kill herself?! My answer is it is more healthy for my heart to look the other direction. Besides, she doesn't stop. If I pick her up and pull her away, she starts using ME as her jungle gym. No thank you.

But in a few more months we will be enrolling Evelyn in a tumbling class so she can at least learn how to fall without hurting herself. (Actually, she's already become quite good at it.)