Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Sled Dog

It has been FOREVER since I last posted! The reason? My computer got an evil virus. Slowly and painfully my computer died, while I stood over it scratching my head over what to do for it. So then I was computer-less. Then we bought a new computer! HOORAY!! (just don't look at the bank account.) Then it's taken me a couple months to talk myself into learning how to navigate the stupid thing. We bought our last computer 10 years that will give you the general idea of how out of date it was.
   So now hopefully I will start blogging more often. Why is it always so painfully difficult to form a good habit and always ridiculously easy to waste all our time?
     Speaking of wasting time: here's how we spent the not-so-long, cold months of winter: Teaching our dog how to sled!  She is such a funny puppy! She adores jumping on the sled and attempting to keep her balance down the hill. Then she'd even help bring the sled back up the hill. She didn't so much like it when you told her it wasn't  her turn: she would chase the sled and quite often end up intercepting it and getting run over. It never stopped her though!

Here is Penny in all her winter regalia. During the first few snow storms she refused to do anything in the snow but sit and shiver. Hence the little booties. She did eventually learn to do her business in the snow though.
Trying to hold on down the hill!
Doing her part to help Evelyn
Let's go again!
It seems weird to post these pictures now. I have a video somewhere around here too.... ah there it is:

Unfortunately I didn't get a video where she actually stayed on the sled.