Friday, May 28, 2010


While we were driving down a neighborhood road today, Evelyn suddenly exclaimed: "Mommy! I see apples!"
"Apples?" I asked. "In the springtime? Incredible!"
Evelyn responded, "No, it's not increbible, Mommy, it's apples!"

I wonder what she thinks "increbibles" are?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cute Things Evelyn Said

During the sacrament at church, I usually read to Evelyn from her New Testament Reader, to get her to calm down and be reverent. It's worked really well so far. Today, Evelyn opened to the page of John the Baptist. So I start whispering the story in her ear. I was just about ready to turn the page and move on when Evelyn picked up on something I read.
"HE EATS BUGGA-BUGGAS?!?!" She shouted. "PEE-EW!!!!!"
Sacrament Meeting wasn't so reverent after that.

The other night we were putting Evelyn down for bed. If you don't know Evelyn, she is a very routine girl. If her schedule gets thrown off, she's not happy. So after we sang her songs and prayed with her I kissed her goodnight, and prepared to stand up. Before I could move, Evelyn had my face between her hands.
"Yisten, Mommy, Yisten." she demanded.
"All right, what is it?"
"Eya, go to seep, then Mommy go to seep. Then Daddy go to seep. Next, we wape up. Then pyay yots with Eya. And eat. Eat yots of food. Eat strawberries."
"Ok, Evelyn, that sounds perfect!" I say
"And play on syides. BIIIG [slides]." She added.
After I agreed that we could do this, she went right to sleep.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Oh, dear!

Evelyn: Mama, Mama! Tum and see! Tum and see!"
Me: Come see what, Eya?
Evelyn: An Eya-snakey!
Me: Where?
Evelyn (after searching around the floor by the window frantically): Eya-snakey is hiding."

What in the world was she playing with?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

And All Her Feminine Wiles

This last Sunday was GORGEOUS!!! (Can I put any more emphasis on that?) It was one of those rare times that I actually appreciate having the 11-o-clock session of church with a two-year-old, because we were able to go out and enjoy the beautiful spring morning. I also happened (and this is a rare occurance indeed) to bring my camera.

Exploring all the glories of Willow Springs:

Love the covered parking in the background. But we loved all the tulips.

By this point, Evelyn started to get the jist of posing. She'd run up and pose for me, and in some places, she had quite the eye:

...and in others...not so much. For this next shot, she really was posing for a picture:

And here's one more, just because I love the expression in her pose:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Mary's Yayaby"

I usually can't get Evelyn to sing for the camera. If I can, she sings so quietly you can't hear her, or she'll sing one line and say, "There." But today I caught her in a singing mood. She starts out with Mary's Lullaby, then goes on to "It's a Small World," and finishes it off with a line from "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers' Day

I'm never quite sure where to put the apostrophe in that...

Sunday morning dawned bright and beautiful, and as I snuggled in my warm comforter, I heard a tiny squeaky voice sing: "Happy Birthday to mommy, happy birthday to you!" and then turn it into a medley, jumping into "Hurray for mommy, hurray for mommy, every body's shouting hurray for mommy!"

Evelyn is so darn cute. She sings more than any other communication.

So I rolled out of bed thinking, "This isn't so bad! I like Mothers' day!" I went into the kitchen and my feelings were heightened by this beautiful sight:
Let's get a closer look at that pineapple:

Isn't it beautiful?! Michael's amazing! The day just got better and better. I got a couple books I've been looking forward to reading, then the bishop released us right after sacrament meeting. (I'm not supposed to mention that, so shhhhhh!) The day ended great too, spending lots of time with Michael's family.
All my life I heard horror stories about how mother's day is actually the worst day of the year, all filled with guilt and fighting kids... I guess I got lucky this year!