Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers' Day

I'm never quite sure where to put the apostrophe in that...

Sunday morning dawned bright and beautiful, and as I snuggled in my warm comforter, I heard a tiny squeaky voice sing: "Happy Birthday to mommy, happy birthday to you!" and then turn it into a medley, jumping into "Hurray for mommy, hurray for mommy, every body's shouting hurray for mommy!"

Evelyn is so darn cute. She sings more than any other communication.

So I rolled out of bed thinking, "This isn't so bad! I like Mothers' day!" I went into the kitchen and my feelings were heightened by this beautiful sight:
Let's get a closer look at that pineapple:

Isn't it beautiful?! Michael's amazing! The day just got better and better. I got a couple books I've been looking forward to reading, then the bishop released us right after sacrament meeting. (I'm not supposed to mention that, so shhhhhh!) The day ended great too, spending lots of time with Michael's family.
All my life I heard horror stories about how mother's day is actually the worst day of the year, all filled with guilt and fighting kids... I guess I got lucky this year!

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to Michael. I got a bubble bath for my mothers' day. It was nice.
