Saturday, May 31, 2014

New Bike and Graduation

 We finally succumbed to our guilt of having deprived Evelyn the last 4 years and we bought her a new bike!  She is learning quickly how to not depend so heavily on the training wheels.  We'll pretend it was a kindergarten graduation present, but really there was just a bike sale at Walmart.

Evelyn's Kindergarten graduation was on Tuesday the 27th. I was so proud of her. She has come so far in the last year. I was pleased with the way she carried herself. I loved the way she sang right to the audience.  I loved  her confidence. I love her little choreography. I loved her disgusted little face when one of the kids of the front row puked. She's so fun to have!
   Here is the video of their first song. Don't worry, there's no kids puking in it.

Sitting so straight and tall!

Evelyn and her teacher, Mrs. Rigby