Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Michael's haircut

Ever since Michael got out of the military in March, I've been able (Miraculously, I might add) to get him to grow out his hair a little. He's always had the standard military haircut "High and tight." The other day Michael and his co-workers were talking about how when they were bachelors (*GASP*) they were free to be as "Cool" as they wanted but then they got married and their wives get to pick their style and color of clothing. Michael pointed at his hair and teased: "Style and Color!"
When I heard this story, I, in a fit a pure unrighteous indignation cut all of Michael's hair off, with him protesting the whole time. But I stubbornly insisted that if he wanted short hair then DANGIT, he was getting short hair--like it or not! Poor Michael! Here are the before and after pictures.
You are free to vote which you like better ...your comments will be respected and anonymous. :D


  1. It may not be anonymous, but I like it short. It's just so Michael, the long hair is too strange on him. Sorry, your gonna be offended aren't you.

  2. I like the short! (By the way I am a HIgh School Friend of Mikes!)
