Saturday, October 31, 2009

Evelyn Monkey

Evelyn's monkey faces! We wanted to make her a little kitten, but even all the baby-sized kitty costumes were "sexy." What's with that?!

Happy Halloween Everyone! I would write some creative festive mementos, but I think all my creativity has been sapped by the Halloween goodies. Bleh.


  1. Pam that costume is so cute. Gwen is going to be Snow White. I tried the dress on her this morning to make sure it would fit and now she won't let me take it off. I guess I'll have a princess all day then. Have a Happy Halloween.

  2. She is adorable as a little monkey! I can't remember a time when I was something cute for halloween. I've always been something scary. I should try it one of these years.
    Have a Fun and Happy Halloween!
