Sunday, December 20, 2020

My Sweet Boyo

It is so wonderful having a baby around again! Babies just have a tendency of bringing a spirit of love into the house, and Timothy seems to have an extra special gift there. He is such a compliant boy: willing to do his physical therapy, even when he is extra tired or even in pain. He loves to be close to us and make people smile. The other day, we were in Target with his walker. He insisted on walking around the store, talking and laughing. "Eya-yayaya-ya-hahahah!!!" He was joyful and everyone who saw him couldn't help but smile. I really wish I had gotten a video. 

In this picture, Timothy was looking through the Ensign at the pictures. He stopped and was fascinated with one picture in particular: He kept pointing at it, so I came over to see what was so interesting to him. It had a picture of an old man in a walker. He was so excited to find another picture of someone with a walker, like his. 
We started Timothy in swim therapy in November. He is supposed to be walking in the pool so that he can practice stepping without his full weight. He isn't so good at that yet, but he LOVES the water! He just bobs around like a little apple. I think he loves feeling weightless and that it might diminish his pain. He is starting to realize that he can stand in the water, and sometimes he will even kick or push the water and swim a bit. He also likes doing some arm exercises by lifting himself out of the pool at the edge. Sometimes, his head will go underwater, but he doesn't breathe...he just comes up yelling. Yesterday when we took him, he dove off the side of the pool and went underwater just like Daddy and Evelyn do off the diving board. I don't think he was expecting to put his head under, so he was pretty upset, until I told him he did it just like Evelyn: swimming underwater like a fishy. 

The first time we took him swimming, he was so exhausted from floating that he almost fell asleep on the edge of the hot tub!


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