Sunday, December 20, 2020


 We were so nervous that Thanksgiving just wouldn't be fun this year of the infamous pandemic. How can we celebrate without all the extended family? The cooking competitions? The hoop-la!?

But we bought our little turkey breast, and our two little yams....and hoped for the best. 

Michael was a genius. It was him who made our holiday perfect. He decided that instead of just saying what we were grateful for, we would then do it! So I went first, and I said I was grateful for a clean kitchen: and bam! Within 15 minutes, my kitchen was sparkling! Then Evelyn said she was grateful for swimming! We knew the rec center was open 'til noon, so we grabbed our suits and jumped in the car! We got to swim for about 45 minutes! When we got home, Timothy said he was grateful for naps. So we all got to take a little nap. Then Daddy said he was grateful for board games, so while Timothy extended his nap, we played a couple board games. Then I was grateful for preparing and eating good food. 

Dinner turned out so good! And Evelyn decided this year that she actually DOES like sweet potatoes! Timothy did NOT like carbonation! 'Gelo loved everything he could wrap his tongue around. Evelyn loved making the table beautiful! It was a rewarding to work so hard. 

After dinner, Timothy said he was grateful for a fire. So we bundled up and went outside for a little 30 minute fire. There we had a little devotional where we sang praises to the Lord. It was fun, but short because it was so cold. 

When we came in, Daddy said he was grateful for playing together. So we made a bear cave and stacked cushions and played together for the rest of the night! 

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