Monday, September 14, 2009

World's Meanest Mom

Poor, poor Evelyn. On Saturday I picked up her last intact bottle and found the nipple had a huge hole bitten into it. So Evelyn is getting weaned from the bottle. It really hasn't been such a horrible experience as I thought it would be. You see, I tried to wean Evelyn from her bottle once before with disastrous consequences. Evelyn screamed for her bottle the whole day-and when I say scream, I mean it, for Evelyn has inherited my...Lungs.

Anyway, I really didn't want to go through that again. So I decided to give in a little to the devil on my shoulder and I put buttermilk in her bottle. She can have her bottle whenever she wants it. But when she tastes what's inside, she gives it the world-famous snub. It's working like a charm.

Above is Evelyn glaring at her traitorous bottle.


  1. Just hope she doesn't develop a taste for buttermilk. Blech

  2. Michael has never had buttermilk, and when Evelyn started snubbing her bottle, Michael asked me what was the deal with buttemilk: "Isn't it just thick milk?" So I had him taste it. He spent the next 30 minutes rinsing out his mouth.

  3. I didn't know you had a blog!! favorite topic :). Actually I'm scared to death to try it with Toph!

  4. You're such a nice mother Pam.
