Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Christmas with the Nielsons

This year we had a very special opportunity to have Christmas with my parents. We introduced them to our traditional reindeer games. My dad got bored quickly. Timothy fell asleep...but what can you say? It was his first Christmas!
 Timothy didn't know quite what was going on when Grandmas turned up the Mannheim Steamroller!
 Christmas was extra big this year, not just because we had my parents as well, but we got a lot of things for our new house: like a big screen TV, and a snowblower.
 Gelo knew what to do with the presents, but Timothy didn't. It was Gelo's birthday the night before and my parents bought him a new fox since his was so trashed!

 Some of our favorite games this year: Spasm, karaoke, and competitions like balancing on one leg.

 Evelyn totally won "If you love me baby, smile!" Daddy didn't have a chance!
 This is Evelyn and Michael having a balancing on one leg competition. I was really amazed at how long they lasted! I guess ballet and yoga have been good for us! I finally got sick of waiting and nudged Michael.

 Evelyn got to sled on Grandma's hill  during our breakfast break. She loved having that hill right in the backyard and was frequently seen sledding over jumps, on her feet or other variances of the old sport!
 Timothy's stocking was stuffed with a Pooh Bear! He was so in love and promptly bit Pooh's nose!

 Timothy also loves to read books. He got this new book for Christmas.
 Gelo might have learned some bad habits at Grandma's house. But this was his favorite place:

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