Monday, October 6, 2014

A Chance Encounter with Superman

This post was taken from another blog I attempted to write years a only had one post. This is it. I think I'm going to let that blog die. But once I thought I might become a genius. So here it is: all my genius:

We know that superheroes need vulnerabilities, otherwise they just become obnoxious. This almost happened with Superman; luckily someone came up with kryptonite so that it would actually go on for more than one episode. Unfortunately, kryptonite doesn’t really do it for me. I mean, I can’t relate to it, so I have a hard time sympathizing with some overly-muscled, x-ray visioned, super-speed (not to mention flying) person struggling so desperately any time a pebble is introduced to him.
But what if Superman had a very recognizable fallacy? I mean, he’s got these super powers, but what if having super powers gave him also like a super active immunity or something? Superman with Rheumatoid Arthritis? Can’t you just picture it? He may be able to burst through walls, but...


You know, this is a Superman whose greatest weakness is when someone steps on his toe. This is a Superman who has to sleep in a flying position because he got stuck in that position. This is a hero who has difficulty making a fist, so he head-butts instead. This would be a true hero who would truly sacrifice his comfort for the well-being of "the general good" because of his gifts. This is a Super-hero I could watch.

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