Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Spicy Candy!

   Evelyn inherited the ablility to enjoy cinnamin candy from her father (Ew! who really eats that stuff?! I guess the people who have a taste for corn dogs and mac-n-cheese). She calls it "spicy candy."  Well, the other day we wanted to see if she developed a taste for sour candy from her mother. So we gave her a warhead.

  We did warn her that it would be very sour. Evelyn was enthusiastic about trying it. As soon as we popped it into her mouth, she got her "legendary sour face" on:

Then she tried to relax her face and found she couldn't stop squinting her eyes.

"Aren't I funny? Wow, this IS a little sour!

Then she started to feel the burn:

"K, not funny anymore. This is REALLY sour!!!"

Yeah, she is like her mother after all!

Eating a handful of warhead candies. Picture from college, 2004

1 comment:

  1. She has her mommy's sour-candy face!
    I SO remember that day. You tried SO hard to keep a straight face and I couldn't help but snicker and muffle my laughs.
    Miss you SO SO much Pam!
