Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hairspray Popsicle Anyone?

This morning while I was getting ready for the day, Evelyn was sitting on the top of the toilet watching me. She decided she wanted to be like Mommy and primp too. So she grabbed the hairspray bottle and said: "Eya too, Mommy?" I looked at her and said, "Oh, Eya, that's hairspray. I don't think you'll like it." So she looked at the hairspray and then popped the spray nozzle in her mouth like a popsicle! Before I could hardly react, she had it back out of her mouth and was making sour faces and informing me that yes, the hairspray was definitely "Yucky!" She kept her tongue out of her mouth for about ten minutes after that.

I guess this is a lesson to me to clarify what I say to her. Instead of "You won't like it," I should say, "You wouldn't like it sprayed on you."

1 comment:

  1. Good thing it was only hairspray. Poor thing, I remember breathing it in through my mouth as a kid and making a sour face. I can't imagine spraying it my mouth. Ick. I hope she's doing better now.
