Monday, April 19, 2010

Disneyland Memoirs

Evelyn was so excited to meet Mickey Mouse! He kissed her hand and after that, she liked him as much as she likes "Missionowies!" She talked about him and pointed at all the Mickey pictures (and there are a TON at Disneyland) until Nana bought her a little plush Mickey (Only $22!) Evelyn sure got spoiled by her grandparents this week. Nana bought her ice cream and treats and Papa would take her for naps and let her push the buttons on his Jazzy. We were quite the group of invalids this week. My parents both rented motorized wheelchairs by the end of the week, and here's a picture of me in my wheelchair:
It was nice to get star treatment at the park though. Having a wheelchair is like having a permanent fast pass.
Evelyn was a little more nervous meeting the princesses. Probably because they were real people and not just giant interactive teddy bears. But she warmed up.

Note Michael's lanyard. His favorite part of the trip was pin trading. He collected villains and Evelyn collected princesses and anything else that appealed to her.
By the time we met Tinkerbell, Evelyn was willing to talk and hug a little. We decided Disney would do well to hire a two-year-old to play Tinkerbell. Their just feisty enough, and they're cute and small. Just look how cute she is:
I asked Evelyn to make a "Tinkerbell face" after we met Tinkerbell, and this is what she came up with:
Don't you think she'd make a perfect Tink?

She didn't recognize Alice and the Mad Hatter, but I was sure excited when they approached Evelyn. She was quite flattered when they called her "Printheth Aurora," though.

This face about sums up Evelyn's feelings for Pirates. She insisted on spending most of the ride on Nana's shoulder. She did really well on the ride though, for a parrot.
By the end of the week, I caught Evelyn singing "Yo ho, yo ho, pirates for me!!" I asked her if she wanted to see the pirates again, and she said yes! We took her again and the only part that made her nervous was the two drops at the beginning of the ride.

My new hat and sweatshirt. I was FREEZING the whole time, even though it was about 70 degrees. Blasted Rheumatoid Arthritis. And Blasted humidity. I'm so glad Utah has warm, dry air! Personally, I think it's warmer here than in sunny CA.

This was Evelyn's favorite ride. She now sings "Small World" over and over, higher and higher until her little voice cracks and you take pity on her and end the song for her. Every time we got anywhere near the vicinity of this ride she would point to it and beg for more. My past standing rule was only one Small World ride per Disneyland trip, but this time I ended up going about 8 times. I shall be lucky if I ever get that song out of my head.

Evelyn at the Blue Bayou. That is some expensive Mac and Cheese, let me tell you! But for $8, it wasn't bad! I tasted lobster for the first time, and Gumbo. Good stuff!
My dad spent his time wandering around the park (on foot or jazzy) in his BYU hat looking for other fans. We found about 5 other BYU shirts or hats. It was a fun little scavenger hunt.

Evelyn is pointing at which horse she wants to ride on the carousel.

So excited!!!
Overall, it was a pretty perfect trip, but we are all glad to be home. Evelyn has spent the last 48 hours asleep or drinking water. Michael is glad to be off his feet, and I'm glad to be on my feet again. :D


  1. SO cute is the Evelyn. I have to say with Jane, I wish I could go with you. We'll just have to pretend that it's a someday. We're getting good at saying that.

  2. Oh my! Sooooo cute, pam!! Looks like you guys had so much fun!

  3. Looks so fun, Pam! I'm glad you had a good time!
