We took Timothy to the zoo! It was a really great experience: not too busy, not too hot, and a lot of the animals were a little more active.
Timothy was especially excited about the elephants: elephants have been his favorite animal the majority of this year. Here he is trumpeting like an elephant with Daddy elephant.
More trumpeting:

There was a cute new baby Gorilla. It was funny to see it cling to the mommy's forearm as she walked around: so little!
There was also a funny scene with the orangutans but I didn't get a very good picture: they fed them pieces of pumpkin, the kids grabbed a bunch and ran away, because if the dad saw it, he claimed it as his. He was so greedy, he was trying to shove all the pumpkin shell pieces in his mouth at the same time, until it was crammed so full they would all pop back out! Then he'd try again.
Leopard kittens: getting big!
Lazy sleepy tiger!
There was a baby Titi monkey that was fascinated with Timothy. They would touch hands through the glass. Then the monkey would go torment its parents and come running back to Timothy. It was like he was showing off just for Timothy!
Timothy was scared of the boa constrictor! I am not sure why: it was curled up in a ball sleeping: you couldn't even see its face: but Timothy knew that huge thing was scary!
Timothy also loves seeing the seals swimming. He could have stayed and watched them all day!
Timothy was fascinated through the whole trip! At the end we were able to get Evelyn and Timothy some little souvenirs. Timothy got some polar bear toys and Evelyn got a stuffed animal rattlesnake?!?! So cuddly!