Monday, June 28, 2010
Magic Kisses
There are times, of course that I must refuse to distribute my Magic Kisses. Like the time Eya sat down too hard in the tub and wanted me to kiss her bum. Or when she hurt herself in the car seat while I was driving. Then came the birth of Magic Blown Kisses! Believe it or not, they work just as well!
Eya has Magic Kisses as well. They really are! There's nothing quite as comforting as smacking a sore joint and having Eya come up and kiss it better.
"Oh, get hurt, Mommy? Poor Mommy! I kiss it better? *kiss* There. Okay now?" She does this all stroking my hair and face. It's so cute! I honestly forget about my pain!
Evelyn still has her obsession with Bugga-buggas. In fact, a lot of the time she won't use the toilet unless she can put an ant in the toilet first. (Don't ask.) The other day she found an ant on the bathroom floor going into convulsions because of the poison we sprayed.
"Bugga-bugga? Are you okay?" She was very concerned. "I kiss you better?" The she leaned down and kissed the floor around the ant. Luckily she exhaled right before and the bug blew halfway across the room, so she didn't end up with a poisoned ant in her mouth.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Romantic Snow White Movie
Play Time!
The point of this next game is to hit the ball with a book, while standing on the pillow, of course. It simply cannot be done without the pillow. Evelyn hits the ball every time Daddy throws it. Of course, when Mommy throws it, she misses, because mommy hasn't figured out quite how to throw it correctly. And Evelyn glares at me in a "What's wrong with you, can't you do this simple thing?" kind of way.
Last week we took Evelyn to a Princess Party at the local book store. They gave her a pretty princess crown and ring and she made a bracelet, colored a picture, and ate a princess cupcake. But she never quite felt comfortable as a princess...
Aaah.....that's better!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Pregnancy Announcement
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A Whole New World
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
"What are you doing, Evelyn?" I ask.
"Watching a movie!"
Evelyn has been absolutely shocking me with how well she is doing at potty-training. She's just a natural. I'm really wondering why it took me so long to acquiesce to her sitting on the toilet. We've been doing it for almost four days now, and the last two nights she woke up dry! She hasn't made any wet mistakes in two days either.
I really think that the method I've been using suits her. I let her practice sitting on the toilet, and for every five times (she gets to stick stars up on a chart to keep track) she gets a practice treat (a single skittle). That way she doesn't get sick of sitting on the toilet with no rewards. If she actually does her business in the toilet she get a big potty treat (a taffy or smarties) and a cheer. If she makes a mistake we practice five times in a row and then she gets a practice treat. But if she starts to wet her pants, and catches it and holds it until she makes it to the toilet, we count that as making it, because those are the muscles she needs to develop. She loves all the attention.
Yesterday she was drawing pictures. I asked her what she was drawing and she said, "A snakey on the toilet."
"Did he go potty?"
"Yes! Hurray for snakey!"
"Did he get a potty treat?"
So she drew him a little candy.